Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blogging for fun!

What is the last movie you saw? It has been so long since I have been to a real movie, I can't thing.....Let's see. I guess it was Despicable Me.

Dr. Mc

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Learning how to integrate blogs into classroom instruction

Hi, it is Saturday, December 26th. I watched Julie and Julia over the holiday and feel like I should be cooking my way through Julia Child's cookbook! Alas, I am not a cook and do not enjoy it in the least, so I thought I would create a blog to give suggestions on how teachers might integrate blogs into their classroom instruction. I design faculty training for a university and am writing training for our new doctoral faculty right now. I am wondering how I might create a blog for our faculty candidates. I will ponder this fact and will get back with you later!
